Mérieux NutriSciences Food Technology Consulting (FTC) Key Projects

With over 20 years of experience, Mérieux NutriSciences FTC offers the quality, credibility, and confidentiality necessary to support developing, implementing, and maintaining effective food safety programming. Our accredited and experienced consultants, trainers, and auditors create added value for our client partners.

  • Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC) 
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been involved and completed the project with FPHRC to develop various training materials for the food industry across Canada.
  • Food Processor Human Resources Counsellor of Canada (FPHRC) 
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been involved in and completed numerous training sessions with FPHRC and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). FTC successfully educated students in the Youth into the Food Processing program and program created for immigration.
  • Training for Ontario Farmers (Asparagus)  
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff performed training for Asparagus Farmers in Ontario on HACCP System Development for the Farms. 
  • Training for Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Staff 
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff performed training for OMAFRA staff on Food Safety Preventative Controls Alliance (FSPCA) Preventive Controls for Human Food.

  • FPHRC Traceability Program Training Development
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been involved in and completed the project with FPHRC to develop online traceability in the food processing industry program training material for the food industry across Canada.
  • TDSB Youth Program Training
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC is involved in the community training program with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) for youth refocusing their skill sets on the food industry.
  • Food Processor Human Resources Counselor of Canada (FPHRC) Training for Immigrants
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been involved in and completed numerous training sessions with FPHRC and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). FTC successfully educated students in a program created for immigration. 
  • Training for Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff performed training for OMAFRA staff on Understanding the Requirements of the Global Standard for Food Safety - Issue 7.

  • International HACCP Alliance Approval on FTC HACCP on the Farm Program
    • The International HACCP Alliance has approved Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff to officially train farm personnel on the HACCP program anywhere in the world.

  • Food Processing Human Resources Council (FPHRC)
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been involved and completed the project with FPHRC to develop the Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) online Training Material for the food industry across Canada. 
  • FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food ATPs
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been approved by the FDA to officially train food industry personnel on the FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food program. 
  • Food Processing Human Resources Council Program Development 
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff developed the curriculum content and scripting for the “Preventive Controls Plan 101 Online Training Program.
  • GFCP Program ATPs (Approved Training Providers) 
    • The GFCP has approved Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff as the exclusive training providers for the Gluten-Free Certification Program in Canada. 
  • HACCP Program ATPs (Approved Training Providers)
    • The HACCP Alliance has approved Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff to officially train food industry personnel on the HACCP program anywhere in the world.

  • IFS PACsecure Program ATPs (Approved Training Providers)
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been approved by IFS PACsecure to officially train food industry personnel on the HACCP program for the packaging industry worldwide.
  • BRC Program ATPs (Approved Training Providers)
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC staff has been approved to officially train food industry personnel on the BRC program anywhere in the world. 
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    • Review of differences between FSEP and GFSI programs—Mérieux NutriSciences FTC reviewed and commented to the CFIA and Food Industry on the similarities and differences between GFSI and FSEP standards. This initiative aims to understand the best way to upgrade FSEP standards into GFSI standards for companies that need both.
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency FSEP Manual Review 
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC reviewed and provided comments to the CFIA and the Food Industry on the changes made to the FSEP Manual. The project's purpose was to simplify and improve existing FSEP standards.
  • Advantage GMP/HACCP Program Manual Review Food Technology
    • Consulting reviewed the new draft of the Advantage GMP/HACCP Program Manual. This project identified opportunities to simplify the program for those beginning to develop their Advantage GMP/HACCP System.

  • Food Safety Initiative Pilot Project (FSI)
    • Mérieux NutriSciences FTC assisted in developing and implementing Advantage GMP/HACCP programs in four processing facilities. With OMAFRA staff, scientists, certified laboratories, and the Canadian General Standards Board, Food Technology Consulting's dedication and effort resulted in Advantage GMP/HACCP certification at these four facilities. This project identified many areas where improvements can be made to Advantage GMP/HACCP programs.

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